SupraScan Quartz A1 V

The SupraScan Qartz A1 V is dedicated to ragile bound documents requiring to be digtized partially open. As other SUPRASCAN models, it offers a very hight image quality SupraScan Quartz A1 V completes SupraScan Quartz range, developed by i2s and successfully sold around the world for years. SupraScan Quartz A1 V is an ideal solution for digitizing old and precious bound documents, and especially those which contain fold-out pages.

This model is the most verstile of all i2S scanners. It is suited for archives with numerous and varied types of documents.


What are the strengths of SupraScan Quartz A1 V ?

Image Quality

Metamorfoze Light and FADGI 3* Complaint, 400x 400 dpi optical on A1 format in color, 7 pl/mm at 400 dpi optical


Scanning up to 900 x 630 mm ( 35.43 x 24.8 in. )


90° angle digitization, glass up if any obstacle, on lights in the operator’s eyes, free from UV and IR emissions.


No loss of information in the book gutter.


Automatic Calibration.


A unique lighting to enhance documents and objects relief.

Lighting Control

Exclusive glare free system to remove any reflections even on glossy documents.

Item Details

Images are compliant with FADGI and Metamorfoze image quality guidelines. Focus is motorized and automatic. No image distortion: distance and angle between the camera and the document are fixed and the camera is always perpendicular to the document. All information is digitized: scanning the side hold by the glass plus 1 cm of the other side (page). This ensures capture of all information even in the books’ gutter.

Very long life LED lightings. No UV and IR emission. Relief enhancement system. Exclusive glares free system. Lighting below the operator’s eyes level. Lights only switched on during the scan time. RELIEF ENHANCEMENT The SupraScan Quartz A1 V has the ability to digitize using only one lateral light (right or left). This exclusive feature allows you to enhance the relief of documents or objects and give a better value to your images. GLARE SYSTEM CONTROL The SupraScan Quartz A1 V offers an innovative feature preventing glares even on highly reflective documents (glossy paper, plastic blister, oil paintings, Mylar, etc.). This is an exclusive hardware solution (lighting system and optical head) and not a software processing.

SupraScan Quartz A1 V can be equipped with either a book cradle 25 (thickness 25 cm/ weight 25 kg) or a book cradle 40 (thickness 40 cm / weight 40 kg). These two options are: similar to a Roberval system with electrical commands (up and down)., motorized with electronic commands (no air compressor) and has an A1 glass plate with automated pressure and controls on the book. So digitization can be done without contact between the glass and the book. The glass plate is easily removable: 1 person and 10 s only. The constant level of the document simplifies the daily use of the scanner by eliminating the need to setup the camera for each document. Security sensors detect intrusions between the glass plate and the book cradle and release pressure or stop the glass plate move (example: operator’s hand).

A new easy to use GUI (Graphical User Interface). Multiple saving frames with customized outputs. Thumbnails flow to check/delete/add/insert images. Production environment: login, metadata tagging, METS outputs… Operates on Windows 7, 64 bits platforms.

Automatic calibration mode (assisted and manual modes also available). Batches of image processing and compression. Automatic and real-time image quality control. Easy integration into workflow solutions. A remote maintenance function.